Men often face problems in bed. Medications do not always give the desired result, and some are not suitable for regular use at all. In that case, various methods of alternative medicine come to the rescue. Ginger is good for male potency.
The root of the plant has long been considered the strongest aphrodisiac. Its action is due to its composition. Medicinal properties are mentioned even in ancient treatises - the Qur'an, Ayurveda, and even the Kama Sutra. Based on the component, an effective tincture is prepared at home, and the root is also consumed in the form of a powder or a medicinal mixture with the addition of honey.
Proper use of ginger tincture helps in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, if it is not associated with organic disorders in the male body. Due to the high concentration of zinc in the root, libido increases, potency increases, and the quality of ascent improves.
So, how to take ginger to increase potency, which is part of a natural aphrodisiac and how it affects the male body - we will discuss in more detail in our article.
Medicinal properties of ginger for potency
Let's understand what is the use of ginger root, what effect the plant has on the male body. The increase in potency when using ginger is due to the composition of a single plant.
The table shows the composition of ginger and its pharmacological effects:
Ginger root composition | Therapeutic action |
organic acids | They strengthen the immune status, participate in metabolic processes, remove toxic substances from the body. They improve blood circulation, tissue and cell nutrition. |
Amino acids | They normalize the activity of the central nervous system, improve the transmission of nerve impulses, which has a positive effect on potency. Strengthen efficiency, give energy and strength, increase male strength. |
vitamin C | Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect, improves metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system, stimulates sperm production, and affects testosterone production in the body. |
Retinol | It accelerates regeneration processes, improves the conductivity of blood vessels, normalizes blood flow, which is important for the male reproductive system. |
B vitamins | They speed up metabolic processes, dissolve bad cholesterol, and restore hormonal balance in the body. They have a positive effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels. |
Zinc | The mineral element accelerates the absorption of nutrients in the body, stimulates the synthesis of testosterone, improves the quality of semen, increases libido, and has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. |
Potassium | The component increases the conductivity of nerve fibers, which contributes to an increase in potency. |
The composition also contains other substances that help increase potency. These include phosphorus, iron, tocopherol, sodium, magnesium, etc. Ginger root is an effective remedy in the treatment of prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate in men.
Regular use of ginger root reveals an increase in erection, normalizes hormone production, increases the duration of sexual intercourse, increases sensations during intimacy.
The root helps to get rid of uncontrolled ejaculation in men.
Use of ginger for impotence

There are many recipes with ginger root to treat impotence in men. Most often, ginger tincture is prepared on vodka to increase potency. The fastest way to treat is decoction. Recipes use fresh and dried ginger.
Dry powder, fresh ginger, grated or sliced, is added to various dishes and drinks. The root significantly improves the taste of food, gives a new note, and at the same time has a positive effect on male strength.
Ginger is a spice with stimulating properties. Folk medicine increases libido, increases potency. The main thing is regular use. But this treatment for impotence is not suitable for all men.
Ginger root has the following contraindications:
- Tumor neoplasms in the body (this is a relative contraindication, ginger can be treated, but very carefully).
- Intolerance to organic spices.
- Kidney and duct stones.
- Heart rhythm disorders.
- Cold, accompanied by fever, high body temperature.
- Inflammation that occurs with the development of hyperthermia.
- Ulcerative / erosive lesions of the stomach, duodenum 12.
If in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor. Ginger is a powerful plant that can be compared in strength with drugs for impotence in men.
Ginger root tincture for male strength

There are several ways to prepare a ginger tincture that will help treat erectile dysfunction. Homemade "medicine" is prepared with vodka or alcohol or water. As practice shows, the first option is much better, because alcohol enhances the therapeutic effects of ginger root.
However, if there is a history of alcohol dependence or alcohol intolerance, then the preparation of a folk remedy on water is recommended. It is slightly weaker, but at the same time completely safe, it does not lead to the development of negative consequences.
Recipe for water tincture: add 50 g of grated root to 500 ml of clean water (cold). The infusion is carried out in a cool room for 7 days, occasionally shaking the container. Filter at the end of this time. Drink 40 ml 2 times a day, preferably 2 hours after meals. The duration of therapy is 4 weeks.
To prepare a vodka / alcohol tincture, you must do the following:
- In 700 ml of alcoholic liquid add 300 g of ginger root (cut into slices or grated);
- Insist in a closed container for 2-3 weeks;
- Shake periodically;
- Strain with gauze.
Take "medicine" 15-25 drops 2 times a day. The agent can be added to ordinary water. The course of treatment of impotence lasts a month. After a week break, you can repeat in the same dose.
It is recommended to mix the components in a glass or ceramic container, which prevents the reaction of the substances with the container during the infusion.
Ginger recipes

This mixture helps to get rid of bad lifting: chop 200 g of walnuts, add 100 ml of liquid honey. If the honey is thick, then it is first dissolved in a water bath. Then add 50 g of fresh ginger root, cut into thin slices, to the mixture. Insist in the refrigerator for two weeks. Eat a teaspoon once a day for a month. This recipe has good reviews.
Infusion of lemon and ginger to increase male strength: in 1000 ml of clean water (warm) add 50 g of ginger root, juice of one lemon, a few tablespoons of honey. Infuse for one day, drink 150-200 ml three times a day. The drink is not only tasty, but also healthy - it strengthens the immune system, increases potency, improves sperm quality and contributes to a strong erection.
Ginger tea - in 250 ml of boiling water add a small slice of root - about 1-1, 5 cm, leave for 15 minutes. You can drink. To improve the taste, add sugar, lemon or honey for potency.
Effective recipes with ginger:
- Ginger coffee gives energy and strength, increases potency. Add ½ teaspoons of chopped ginger to coffee - 250 ml. It is not recommended to drink with hypertension, cardiovascular pathologies.
- Ginger wine is a good aphrodisiac that improves erection, helps prolong the duration of sexual intercourse. Add 25 g of grated ginger to 500 ml of red wine. You can also add cinnamon, nutmeg or vanilla to the wine - spices improve the taste. Drink 20 ml three times a day.
At home, you can make sour ginger yourself, which is added to meat and other dishes. Cut the root of the plant into thin slices, sprinkle with a teaspoon of salt, leave for an hour. Mix 300 ml of 9% acetic acid and 200 g of sugar, boil on the fire. Turn it off. Pour over salted pieces of ginger. It is enough to eat 3-4 slices of ginger root a day.